Went on a hike this morning.
Nobody was around.
Giant red ants (well, giant is subjective when you are referring to ants...
don't you think?)
Large and deep snake hole - this freaked me outPretty thistles - made me think of Scotland
so I found some
Scottish music on my ipod
and jammed up the hills
while looking at thistles
and hearing bagpipes...
gotta love it!
Lots of thistles
I did climb up this.
Boy, was I out of breath...
shape!A cute bench at the top of the hill
No, I didn't take a break and sit on it
but I did think it was
very thoughtful
of someone to put it there.
I wonder if they
are still
in love??
I do hope so!
I was suprised
when I found this old water trough for cows.
This used to be a large ranch area.
We still have the trails
but also
lots and lots of houses.Check out this mile marker I saw.
Made me wonder....
62.2 miles to WHERE??
Found another one.
Almost missed it since it was partially hidden by the
yellow flowers.
I began to suspect that I was actually on private property...
I think I missed the sign...
Couldn't help it.
Was distracted by shinny yellow signs. Ha, ha!
I saw another one further along the trail but freaked myself out
thinking I was no longer on the public trail.
I walked for an hour and a half.
The weather was perfect.