Sunday, September 23, 2012


We buried Kim yesterday.
My heart was so heavy with sadness.
The service was amazing.  
She got so many flowers which she would have just loved.
Kim really loved flowers!
So many people showed up and talked about what an amazing person she was. 
Her previous co-workers came and
sang a lovely song to her. 
She looked beautiful and peaceful.
Afterwards we did a celebration of life dinner at a restaurant.
The setting was pretty and the food was good 
so Kim would have been pleased.
She had wanted to do a party when she was alive but kept waiting till she would get better.
We all knew she wouldn't get better 
so I felt sad that she didn't get to have that party 
so we had a party for her instead. 
She is buried next to my Grandma and Grandpa 
so I don't think she will be lonely.
Emma gave her one of her favorite stuff toy cats so that she would have something to cuddle. 
I am so relieved that she is resting peacefully now 
and doesn't have to suffer any more. 

I am not a fan of doing speeches
but I wanted to speak at her funeral 
so I decided to write her a letter and read it out loud. 
This is what I said:

Dear Kim,
Your life was cut unfairly short
but I am so privileged to have had you in my life.
You taught me so many things that I will not take for granted.
From the moment I met you,
you taught me about love and acceptance.
I appreciate all that you did for me when I was growing up. 
You always wanted the best for me
and told me that I could do whatever I wanted to do.
You only gave me words of encouragement and never doubted or judged me.
During this last year when we knew about your cancer,
I learned a lot of new things about you.
I witnessed how much strength and determination you had.
In the hospital I watched your heart beat on the monitor
and everyone marveled how strong your heart was.
I know why it was so strong.
It was because your heart was only filled with kindness.
You inspire me to bet a better person...
someone more like you.
You always readily would give me sound and simple advice.
If I ever get stuck in life and don't know what to do
then I will think
"What would Kim do"
and then I know I will find the answer.
Even though cancer took your life away,
it can never take away my memories of you
or the lessons you taught me.
Thank you for being such a 
loving, supportive and kind mother to me.
Nigel, Emma and I will miss your dearly.
Love from Victoria


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